Logistic Regression for GIS: A Technical Guide
Posted on February 13, 2025 • 11 min read • 2,328 wordsExplore logistic regression in GIS. Learn to handle uncertainties & improve spatial analysis.
Dealing with uncertainty is a constant challenge. While traditional methods often rely on crisp boundaries and binary classifications, real-world spatial data is rarely so clear-cut. That’s why embracing tools that handle probabilistic nature is extremely useful. In the previous posts, we covered basic math models like basic linear algebraic transformations, as well as an overview of fuzzy systems, as useful methods for managing and modeling the many-layered nature of geographical phenomena. Today we will shift to focus specifically on one useful statistical tool - Logistic Regression, which you should certainly have in your tool box. We are aiming to build up a deep understanding of the statistical processes in data preparation which are then usable in more complex processes such as, but not limited to, image classification or predictive modeling in GIS. Logistic Regression has become a valuable option when the goal is classification, using methods that rely on understanding, estimating and dealing with uncertainties.
Logistic regression, fundamentally, is a statistical modeling technique, mainly used for situations when the goal is to predict the probability of an event occurring based on observed data. At its heart, Logistic Regression provides a framework that not only determines a class but also tells us the probability that an item belongs to it. Let us put it into simpler terms. If you take a problem where you are analyzing areas for suitability with defined parameters, such as, a specific temperature zone and elevation range you can certainly mark places that strictly fall inside, but when parameters start to bend a little from the ideal, Logistic Regression is the proper tool as it handles situations with ‘maybe’ conditions gracefully. The output is no longer just the location which is suitable (or not suitable), rather the probability of a specific location to meet all these conditions, providing a gradient, a fuzzy classification (as discussed before).
Traditional approaches use crisp classification by creating thresholds of suitable, not suitable zones, yet most real world events have complex patterns. With logistic regression, our view is not whether some observation belongs to the positive class (a “yes” or “no” in many cases) rather to establish probabilities, thus enabling a flexible interpretation of spatial patterns. Instead of sharp, dividing lines, this provides a smooth and elegant approach in building a model that respects inherent uncertainties of the geographic space. Therefore, in practical terms, you get to avoid setting arbitrary hard thresholds or clear-cut crisp classes in the parameters you chose for that region (elevation, soil types, proximity to lakes etc.), giving a higher accuracy in prediction tasks, even when real word circumstances vary from the ideal model condition. This provides us with both the classification and probabilistic knowledge for each data set, each feature and location, something traditional binary based decision-making systems can’t offer.
The core mechanism of logistic regression can be simplified as the sigmoid function, this S shaped curve can change an input value into a value that’s constrained between 0 and 1, thus resembling probability in terms of the magnitude of numbers involved. A variable value can take a range of negative and positive numbers, so in many occasions logistic regression uses another parameter (in addition to other variables) w , to linearly relate input data points to create a base score using w.T x + b, thus, to make a decision between yes and no. So in reality it takes data from different dimensions and uses them to evaluate a one dimensional relationship. The output then undergoes another round through sigmoid function before making the class distinction. Here we will list some of core mathematical structures and components and go over each carefully:
σ(z) = 1 / (1 + e^(-z))
where z, or in general *w.T x + b*, is a linear combination of feature data with assigned weights and intercept b.
z = w.T x + b
Matrix math operations are widely adopted as building block in computer graphics systems.
*x*: Features for a certain input record
Log-Likelihood Loss Function: In many optimization problems, when training an ai agent (as they say), or an estimator model to obtain values as much precise as possible, some penalty function should be designed for model accuracy (loss, sometimes). For training, where data is marked, such as locations which definitely fall under, or definitely fall outside of a spatial buffer you should use these values to define a so-called objective function and find parameters such as w and b by minimizing the objective function (which is called a log-likelihood loss function). The definition is rather simple:
L(w,b) = −Σ [y_i log(σ(z_i)) + (1 - y_i) log(1 − σ(z_i))]
The function gives larger negative results as the error increases. By a simple transformation inverts that penalty into rewards by searching for that specific set of w and b parameters by which minimizes the L value or conversely maximized accuracy or positive performance. This operation gives model ability to ‘learn’ by testing a dataset using these parameters, making adjustments based on evaluation results and creating an updated rule by that feedback loop. In a single word this concept is a “training”.
log function gives a penalty based on degree of mismatch, so the total loss becomes large as output mismatches increases.
As we know most features within GIS datasets are represented with vectors of numeric values (features) and the purpose of this method, as any method is in the first place, to find to which category it may fall. The power of logistic regression comes when crisp categories (as we described before using a “yes-no” approach) can not accurately or precisely describe such relations. When those numerical spatial properties are put through a Logistic Regression analysis, this produces more flexible classifications of elements to various categories in a way that respects the data in much higher extent, therefore reducing error. Below we list core benefits to showcase logistic regression models strengths against traditional methods:
The key benefits of using this approach are well-known as presented previously, however, every method, every solution also has practical matters that are worth a deep focus and considerations. In case of building and interpreting a regression model, those considerations require a careful choice about which parameter set to incorporate to generate a model output with better precision and minimal uncertainties, or the need for preprocessing steps that aim to clean spatial dataset and create normal distributions:
The Logistic Regression is useful when addressing complex spatial-relationship situations such as those in urban planning, environmental modeling or in mapping suitability zones. The core benefit can be viewed when predicting with variables where uncertainty has a considerable role such as :
In short, the power of the logistic regression model comes with understanding that geography is full of gradients instead of steps and crisp edges. Embracing these techniques, one enhances analytical abilities by better capturing those natural properties, making predictions, modeling decisions and evaluating a given scenario as a complex mixture of features that vary within the limits of each respective class based on membership, instead of the common practice with simple yes or no. These nuanced evaluations then opens door to real world scenarios for prediction in data heavy situations. This allows practitioners of GIS techniques a way to embrace uncertainty and provide valuable and precise models in their investigations, opening up a way for next generation models based on higher precision.